How Does Web Data Scraping Help in Horse Racing and Greyhound?

Horse Racing and Greyhound are essential aspects of gambling, which help you to collect data in many cases. We can scrape data and utilize different project datasets.

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Do you want to bet on sporting event outcomes for financial gains or kicks? Did you recognize you can forecast accurate results with web scraping rather than depending mainly on the chances? Random betting might be fun primarily, but possibility methods won’t take you too far if you wish to make money with racetracks.

Gambling money on a horse or greyhound provides many payoffs. One group of horse bettors had hit big in the year 2020 because of a few longshots winning Gulfstream Park. A person hit a Race 1 Superfecta by correctly predicting the initial four horses for winning. One 50-cent ticket had paid $14,483.65. One more bettor who hit a winner in the initial five races had won $524,966.50. One 20-cent ticket had paid $2.2 million after that bettor hit Rainbow 6 with Gulfstream in 2019.

Planning to get Horse Racing and Greyhound data?

Greyhound VS. Horse Racing

Whereas web scraping and ML (Machine Learning) methods dominate in forecasting greyhound and horse racing, you will have individual differences between these two that need amendments of different modeling ideas.

Greyhound racing is an aggressive sport where greyhounds get raced around the track. Track racing utilizes an artificial temptation, moving ahead of dogs on the rail until greyhounds cross the finish line. A greyhound’s race result is the outcome of six greyhounds’ aggressive mechanical hare. Instead, a horse race results from interactions between the jockey and its mounts as they cross the racecourse.

Both horse and greyhound races permit the public to bet on the outcomes. Gamblers, either online or on racetracks, could get money on final placements of the horses or greyhounds taking part in the race.

Scrape Racing Data Online


Betting on greyhounds and horse racing has mainly been a game of chances. A possibility is a key factor, as well as low certainties for which greyhound or horse would win.

You can have statistics and numbers in greyhounds and horse racing. Organizers gather and share data like runners, race venue, date, time, participant’s statistics, prize, distance, grade, trainer’s name, horse or dog name, etc. You may get data about past races and performance stats about every runner, including position, odds, dates, split, and race comments.

Stats to Consider While Doing Racing Web Scraping

Stats to Consider While Doing Racing Web Scraping

You may write code or utilize web scraping tools, which take the HTML of the webpages, copy the data you are concerned with, and output that into an expendable format. Services like 3i Data Scraping is a great way of scraping horse racing and greyhound racing data online for prediction or analysis.

Some vital race card stats to think about while predicting the results in horse and greyhound racing consist of the following:

1. Career History

This is important to think about the horse’s or dog’s career history, comprising total times won and recent races taken. For example, in case, a dog might have won 30 races. However, the last race was several months ago then. It is not a very good sign. This could indicate that the greyhound was injured or is not feeling well. Dogs or horses that have not taken part in the race for longer are not the applicants for winners.

2. Trainer’s Stats

Greyhounds and horses do well with a good trainer. Web scraping offers data that reveals the total number of winning dogs any trainer has formed. Indeed, horses under the trainers have a lot of wins and have a real shot at captivating themselves.

3. Tracking Conditions

As racing usually happens in the open tracks, data scraping can offer data about weather conditions. Defining if the stadium would be wet or dry is important in predicting the results. Also, you can evaluate data about dogs or horses, which run quicker on wet or dry tracks.

4. Age

Just look for the dog’s or horse’s age data. Unquestionably, the nearer greyhounds are to departure age (between 4 to 6 years old), the lesser active they will become. Often, the younger ones are in the peak performance.

5. Starting Box

This stat attention might sound strange. Though, a starting box plays a crucial part. Various greyhounds have different running styles. The placements on inner, middle, as well as outside starting boxes impacts their winning chances. The given list is not comprehensive. With web scraping, the users may add more data and factors in the analysis to get superior results. ML-based systems offer a powerful tool to analyze all the statistics for constant wins in horse and greyhound racing.

Machine Learning: To Predict Racing Results

Machine Learning: To Predict Racing Results

The applications of ML methods in sports predictions are not a new phenomenon. This approach has gained popularity with the pervasiveness of online gambling arcades.

ML studies data collected with web scraping for predicting constant finishing time in every race and improving the bet precision. You may leverage ML methods to predict horse and greyhound racing results. Rather than using current sports prediction models depending on the manual feature selection, ML offers a model which algorithmically chooses and analyzes data within minutes.

Despite the given stats in the post, scraping extra data may improve the predictions’ results and bet precision. Web scraping offers accurate data to train ML models to predict racing outcomes.

Planning to get Horse Racing and Greyhound data? Request a Quote!

Get Started with 3i Data Scraping

With 3i Data Scraping, it’s easy to scrape greyhound and horse data from different websites and hand over thousands of pages in easy-to-utilize formats like CSV, JSON, and Excel. Rather than developing a code, We provide all-inclusive solutions which scrape important statistics to analyze and predict the racing results.

You may use the solutions to extract data from different websites. 3i Data Scraping cautiously crawls through necessary pages having essential data. Moreover, the services can extract data from social media platforms. We deal with all technical tasks and provide quality control and data cleansing. Besides, web scraping services observe stringent regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

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